Monday, October 17, 2005

sixteen candles secrets

Everytime the edited-for-television version of Sixteen Candles is shown, I'll watch the hell out of that movie. It's more fun to watch that version because it's fun to have a movie you know by heart throw you a curve. The edited-for-television version has random deleted scenes added which I guess were included to make the film last a whole two hours with commercials. One additional scene shows Samantha Baker going through the cafeteria line and remarking that she can't believe she's about to eat a cafeteria hamburger. And she enters the seating area, she drops her tray and runs out of the cafeteria when she spots Jake Ryan. She says "I don't want Jake to know that I eat."

I just spotted another deleted scene in a edited for television version that was on cable (what?) although it's a subtle change. It occurs when the family is on their way to the wedding and spots Long Duk Dong on the yard, passed out drunk. Grandpa launches into the "where is Grandpas Auto-Mo-Beel?" inquiry of LDD. And after he says "Leck, Big Leck" Grandma hauls off and kicks him in the balls and calls him a "scuzzbag."

I wonder if the DVD of this movies includes all of these deleted scenes? If it does, I'm renting it this weekend for sure.


Blogger Tara said...

jake ryan rules.

7:36 PM  
Blogger whitneydonkey said...

long duc dong rules too

9:30 PM  

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