Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Fear White People

There's a crime trend story in my local newspaper that I like to refer to as a "no shit news flash."

The story explores the fact that property crime is exploding in the commuter suburbs north of Dallas. They interviewed some real criminals about the trend --- which is actually sort of refreshing because most crime stories rely on cops and "experts" for sources. A couple of the burglary convicts told the reporter that the reason they traveled from miles away to rip off homes in 'burbs was because that's where all the stuff is. The story was supposed to dispell the notion that most criminals do property crimes in the neighborhoods in which they live. Sure, the lazy ones do that. But it doesn't matter where you live, crime can happen, especially if you've got a lot of stuff. No shit.

One of the most interesting things the article showed was that most of the burglars arrested in the 'burbs for releaving homes of their DVD players and golf clubs were white guys. That dispells the notion that lots of suburbanites have that if they live in a neighborhood with people who's skin color is the same as theirs, that crime will be lower. Wrong. Leave your garage door open all of the time and your $1,800 laptop in the front seat of your unlocked car and you're going to get burgled. Fear the white man if you must. But fear your own stupidity more for leaving garage doors open and expensive items in plain veiw for criminals of all races to rip off.


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