Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why Heavy Metal Died

I have a theory about why heavy metal is not popular anymore: it's because all of the good and obvious band names were used up during the great metal glut of the 1980s.

Around 1989, I remember stopping in Bill's Records and Tapes during a time when the great James Henderson was employed there. James was standing in the metal section at Bill's and was pulling out metal albums at random. One he selected featured puffy haired bare-chested guys with soot smeared on their faces and smoke rising up behind them, making it just like every album cover in this section. And then James looked at the name of the band and made this comment: "You know, it was just a matter of time before somebody called themselves this."

The name of the band was "Satan".


Blogger Gye Greene said...

Would anyone really be curious enough to read an obvious advert like that and think, ''Hey! Yeah, I'm curious about credit cards for students...''


10:04 PM  

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