Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sucking Gas

Isn't it time for the Chevrolet Suburban to go the way of the dinosaur? Doesn't it stand to reason that if it costs 150 bucks to fill up your 50 gallon tank --- which will last you all of 300 miles --- you'd take the hint and get a more economical vehicle? This reason may compute in most places, but not where I live. I use a gas station that is also frequented by residents of an established East Dallas neighborhood (meaning white and rich). And this morning there were two women in two different Suburbans pumping their monster 10 mpg behemoths full of gas. Their stupid SUVs were blocking the pumps for other people to use, causing a line to form. And it takes a damn long time to pump 50 gallons of gas into a SUV. I kept staring at these women, neither of whom had passengers in their cars. I doubt either of them had more than two kids at home --- which is the usual reason for owning a ridiculously large vehicle. And I bet both of them live in enormous 5,500 square foot McMansions that they built over the graves of historic homes that were just too small for their four member families. I grew up in a family of four and we never had anything larger than a 4 door sedan. When gas prices got out of the control in 1980, we bought a used Pinto station wagon. We lived in a 2,200 square foot house. It was more than enough.

But if you've got the credit limit in 2005, too much is never enough. Keep rolling in the Suburbans ladies because you really need and deserve them.


Blogger whitneydonkey said...

Should I feel bad about driving a Ford F150? It is a gas sucker too, but in our defense, we do move every year or so, usually to a different state, and it does come in handy Beverly Hillbilly style.

I only drive 4 miles to work though.

4:21 PM  
Blogger john clarke said...

I don't begrudge anyone a pickup which may be the most useful vehicle ever invented.

7:32 AM  
Blogger whitneydonkey said...

my family could always put your whitetrash carport up over it and live in the bed if we needed to.
the f150 is pretty roomy.

11:23 AM  

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