Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Bring the Noise
While in line at the store, some lady in front of me was getting all her kiddy present Christmas shopping done. Her cart was stuffed with a kid-sized drum kit, a Baby Won't-Shut-Up Doll, and the batteries-can't-die-quick-enough kiddy talking cash register.
I thought, if these presents are for her own kids, she's either stupid or deaf. But if they're for her sister's kids, well then that's just payback.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I hereby declare Johnnie Taylor as the greatest R&B artist the world has ever known.
Let me tell you the gospel of JT. His biggest hit was unfortunate. It was "Disco Lady". Maybe you heard it and dismissed him. I would too.
Then I came to know JT after punching up one of his songs at random on a jukebox in the shittiest bar in East Dallas. JT sings soul my friends. And he does it in a way that will stir whatever soul it is you have --- black, white, Asian, Asiatic. It matters not.
It is extremely appropriate that I was introduced to the gospel of JT in East Dallas. Because this is JT's part of town. He sings to the down trodden. He provides hope. He is East Dallas. In fact, he breathed his last breath a few miles south of the jukebox where he preached the gospel of soul.
Here's to you JT.