Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Shittiest Autograph Ever

About 1975, when I was in the third grade, perennial just O.K. Texas Rangers catcher Jim Sundberg came to visit my elementary school in Richardson, Texas. This was a huge deal at the time because I'd never seen a real live celebrity --- local or otherwise --- before. He gave some speech about how we needed to stay in school and drink milk to have strong bones --- the usual sports-guy-to-kids speech. I'm not sure how Sundberg got roped into visiting Prairie Creek Elementary. It must have been a mandate from the Rangers' P.R. department or some sort of promotional deal. Yet at the end of his speech, all the kids got autographed photos of Sundberg. At the time, I didn't have any concept of sports autographs or what made them valuable or unique. That autographed photo was pinned to a cork board in my room for years. It wasn't until I was in the seventh grade that I realized that the autograph was shitty. It said: "Best wishes, from Dr. Pepper and Jim Sundberg."