Monday, August 01, 2005

The Over-Laugher

On Saturday, I decided to take a bullet for the marriage team and actually suggested that we see "Must Love Dogs". It's got John Cusack in it, so it can't be that bad right? Wrong. It was written and directed by the same dude who gave us "Family Ties". And the script was actually worse than a Family Ties script. It was as if the talented cast in this movie was reading off a teleprompter script the entire movie, just like on a T.V. sit com. So I found myself looking at my watch throughout the movie, hoping for it to end. But there was one thing that made this movie entertaining. And it had little to do with the movie itself.

Karen and I sat down on in row near the middle of the screen, like we always do. And after we sat down, three 19 year old girls sat down behind us. Surprisingly, they weren't necessarily movie talkers and their cell phones remained off. But the girl directly behind me was an over-laugher. During the 15-minute onslaught of ads and movie previews, she laughed at absolutely everything, no matter if it was funny or not or if anybody else was laughing. During the preview of the lame movie in which Reese Witherspoon plays a ghost, the girl started laughing loudly when the preview just showed "Napoleon Dynamite's Jon Heder" in the supporting buddy role. Heder hadn't even said anything. I looked over at Karen and told her I couldn't take any more of this. So we relocated to real estate far far away from the over-laugher.

So the movie begins and proceeds to suck. And nobody in the audience is laughing at it except the over-laugher. And she kicks it into high gear. No matter where you sat, the over laugher was loud, way louder than the movie. So Karen and I couldn't help but laugh at the over-laugher when she laughed. People turned around to look at the over-laugher. It was downright bizarre. I think the over-laugher may have actually been planted by the movie studio to encourage laughter at this terrible movie. So I guess, on one level, this strategy worked, just not how the studio intended it to.


Blogger john clarke said...

At one point, I considered the possibility that the over-laugher was stoned out of her goard. But to laugh that hard at this movie, the weed would have to have been laced with LSD, or angel dust as they call it on the street.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Robert_M said...

Do Prozac like drugs make things too funny? I wonder

11:19 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

If Prozac makes movies funnier, I need to get a prescription because there's damn few funny movies out right now.

11:39 AM  

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