Monday, October 24, 2005

Sticker Conundrum

I have a Supergrass and a Franz Ferdinand sticker sitting on top of my dresser drawer. I got them free at an Idlewild show about a month ago. They are promos for each band's respective new album. I strongly support both of these bands and don't mind letting the whole world know that fact. But should I place these stickers on the rear window of my hard rockin' 1983 Ranger pickup? I mean honestly, does a 38-year-old have any business having stickers for indie rock bands on his vehicle? I'm not sure what the age cut off is for having stickers on your car. But I'm tempted to go ahead and put them on the window as a strike against the man. In Dallas everybody still has fading "W" stickers on their Lexuses . And you can usually find those stickers applied to the the paint job. That jacks up the finish Einstein.


Blogger Gye Greene said...

Do the stickers -- but creatively omit out some of the letters, so they spell different things.

I mean, who doesn't need a truck that says "Supergas" in the window?


8:54 PM  
Blogger Tara said...

I put stickers on my guitar case instead of my car. Supergrass is cool.

6:31 AM  

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