Thursday, November 17, 2005

Senseo, not that Greato

Outside my office, there's a big truck that is dispensing free cups of java produced by something called a Senseo machine. It's sort of a fake barista machine that uses little pads of coffee to give you a nice strong almost black brew. I believe they're trying to get all of the downtown coffee addicts like me to use their new juice by giving some away, as well as to the line of homeless who want some too but aren't likely going to have the 70 bucks for the machine or the electricity to run it. So I'm on my second cup of free Senseo and I want to like it. I tend to like stuff that's free. But I can't get over the fact that this product doesn't taste real fresh. Sorry Phillips Corporation, but I'm just going to have to keep grinding my own beans and brewing up my mud like the rest of the world's coffee snobs. Nice try though.


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