Monday, April 11, 2005


I'm sort of numb to the right wing theology which spews out of Washington D.C. these days. Usually, I just take note of the latest radical shot and try not to let my blood boil over. This too shall pass, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, or some other worn out phrase is all that I have to comfort my outrage. But lately, the right wing's war on the judiciary has pushed me way over the edge. I make a living writing about the judiciary --- the decisions they make, good and bad. Often, I disagree with those decisions. But I've never lost sight of the reason the judiciary exists --- it's a place for cool reflection where a jurist can examine a conflict and make a decision based on the rule of law. Congress and the White House are not allowed to impose their will on this branch of government. It's a place where politics are not welcome. So the right wing's vow to get even with the judiciary for not jumping on the country's most recent highly political case disturbs me greatly. Federal judges are given lifetime appointments and are very hard to remove for a reason --- so they won't be influenced by politics. The right wing, seemingly, now thinks this is a bad idea --- that somehow when the court don't rule the way they want, it's automatically "judicial tyranny." Well, here's a tip Mr. and Mrs. Right Wing ---- why don't you read the decisions before you label it as tyrannical? Tyranny involves an imposition of will without regard for law. And that's not what's happening in our modern federal judiciary. So dial it back a bit, stop with the radical threats, or I'm pretty sure your war on the judiciary may translate into unchecked Congressional power. And that's when the real tyranny will start.


Blogger Robert_M said...


9:40 AM  

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