Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ebay Blows

I used to buy a minimal amount of stuff on Ebay. Usually I use Ebay to locate hard to find stuff --- presumably stuff that nobody else wants, so major metropolitain retailers don't carry the item. And of course, I hunt for cheap stuff, otherwise I would never use the auction site. I set a reasonable limit and never overbid.

Right now, I'm looking for a bra for a 1998 Mustang. I got one off Ebay about three years ago. I use it when driving cross country to keep rocks and bugs from destroying the paint on the front of my car. But the bra finally gave it up on my last trip to Colorado --- the straps on it broke. I'm looking for a replacement. But so are a bunch of other knuckleheads. I've bid on three of them, and the selling price for the used bras have been about $60 --- $75 if you add in shipping costs. Screw that. New ones --- which have to be purchased from auto parts supplier --- cost $60 bucks too. I want a used one for $35 because that's what they're worth, at least to me. It escapes me why people overbid for stuff on Ebay. What a bunch of rubes; they ruin it for everybody.


Blogger Tara said...

The only thing I ever bought on Ebay was Kev's accordian. It is super cool and I got a great deal on it. I was happy with my Ebay experience.

9:37 AM  

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