Monday, May 22, 2006

Speaking of Big Fat White Guys

Is there any doubt that the new book by unstable pro-golfer John Daly will be huge? He's tragic, but people seem to love him because of his flaws. Booze, eating, gambling are three of his biggest weaknesses, but we love to read about his exploits including the recent admission that he's lost $3.8 million at casinos.

I love reading about his bizzare home life. Several years ago, some men's magazine --- Details maybe --- did a piece about what it's like to live at Big John's house in Arkansas. He's led the life of the common trailer park dweller, except his ability to hit a golf ball 300 yards upped his life style ante considerably. But you could tell that money hadn't changed him all that much --- he'd be wheels off with or without lots of cash. And he's funny, whether or not he realizes it. Back then, his late mother still lived either with or near him. "MamaLou" would cook him breakfast every morning. My favorite quote from Daly in the story had something to do with him bragging to the reporter about MamaLou's cooking. He said: "MamaLou, fix this boy some chocolate gravy!"


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