Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Homeless Part II

There are so many things that are great about working in downtown Dallas. I never have to get on a highway, I live 2.8 miles from my office, I love walking down the street to some independant restaurant to grab lunch and it's great to be down here watching the city and investors breathing some life into the center of Dallas by restoring old buildings and holding events down here.

The only thing bad I have to say about downtown Dallas is that the brand of homeless that occupy this portion of real estate are more irratating and more violent than anything I ran into in Austin. You don't even see the same ones often enough to give them funny names, like Rob did in Austin. They always rotate. So you never know if the random shambling dude walking on the sidewalk is going to scream at you, ask you for spare change or do nothing to you at all. Interestingly, on the drive to work, I see hundreds of homeless people line up in the morning at a place called The Stewpot which is run by the First Presbyterian Church. The Stewpot offers job training, medical help and food every morning and afternoon. And of those hundreds of people, I'd guess that maybe 15 of them wander into downtown proper and bother people. So that's why I have no time for the stray homeless who approach me during the workday. I know there is a place in Dallas where the homeless can get help and food because I drive past it everyday. And I bet the geniune homeless hate the a-hole homeless as much as I do. The genuine homeless doesn't want to be that way. The a-hole homeless does.


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