Thursday, May 19, 2005

order disorder

I like order. I put up my clothes after I take them off. I straighten up pictures that are askew. I pick up stuff that falls on the floor. Most people do these things. But it bothers me if I don't. Obsessive compulsive? I don't think so. But still.

So when I saw this website, it just about sent me over the edge. I couldn't stand it. It made me tense just looking at the first few photos. The woman who lives in this house is likely what mental health professionals call a "hoarder" --- a person who puts unnecessary value on all manner of objects and refuses to through anything away. But worse than those Depression Era survivors who kept things for economic reasons, this woman actually collects things. Ebay is her addiction.

So look at this website:

Welcome to my nightmare.


Blogger Robert_M said...

Doesn't bug me strangely, I mean I wouldn't want to live there..but I don't get tense. I guess that explains why my place is messy often.

7:50 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

See, this is why I feel I lean a little the freak side of neatness. I feel the need to bulldoze that house from the inside out.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Tara said...

I am with you, JC. Passive chaos is bad for people.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Council, this is just like my mother's house, and no, I am not exaggerating. She has been this way my whole life and it drives me insane. My sisters and I actually have a yearly tradition of going into her bedroom when she's out of the house and taking pictures to record the status of the clutter. This bedroom is not where she sleeps, mind you, because her bed is covered with stuff, as is the floor, and basically everything else. There is a small path cleared so that she can walk through the room, but that's it. I have completely given up on trying to help her with this, because she refuses to change and refuses my help... and have told her I'm not going to comment on the mess any longer. I have resigned myself to the inevitability of when she passes, my sisters and I will probably have to take a couple weeks to go through all of her belongings. Good times...

8:11 AM  

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