Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Deep Bass

During my days in Austin, I used to get together with some of my fellow drunken idiot friends at a very cheap rehearsal space to pound out some punk rock recordings. The band was dubbed "The Truth About Hell" by my friend Rob. I sang a couple of times. And I remember that once I played a bass guitar --- really really badly. I had no idea what I was doing, but I looked good doing it. I probably had less bass guitar skills than the late Sid Vicious, who was famously bad at bass guitar.

So I got to wondering. What if I decided to wander around on a beach, wearing punk rock gear and saying nothing. Let's say for the sake of argument (this is not a stretch) I got thrown into a looney bin. And let's say instead of talking, I drew a picture of a bass guitar. And somebody brought me a bass guitar, and I started bashing out bass guitar rhythms for four hours. Would I get national press attention because of the mystery of my identity? Would I be named the "Bass Guitar Man"? And would I all of the sudden morph into a "bass guitar virtuoso" because it made the story better?


Blogger Tara said...

Do you think there will be a T.A.H. reunion? People wanna know...

5:17 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

Rob and I would be in, but we may have to reform as a two piece band, ala the White Stripes. Locating Todd Goodfellow, Steve Reynolds, Walter Tool and Patrick Lamere (I can't believe I still remember all of those names) would be a really tall order.

8:10 AM  

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