Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hi. I'm 14 years old.

It's embarrassing to admit, but like most pimply faced teens, I've gotten sucked in by the Grand Theft Auto video game. Yes, it's incredibly violent. No, I don't have the recent version where you can see boobs during a scene. And yes, I wouldn't let kids under the age of say, 15, play it. But it's a genius game. You actually feel like you're driving around the dark corners of a real city. You commit crimes because you play the role of a criminal --- morality is not an option in this game. And the game is pure cynicism --- you can change radio stations in the car you drive and all the stations that are not too far off cartoons of real radio stations complete with the phony mass marketing scripts and mass produced music. It even has a stupid talk radio station.

I've played this game for about three nights now. And I don't have any urges to commit a carjacking, beat a thug with a baseball bat or run from the police. But oddly enough, driving around in this fake video game is not far off from tooling around some of the less savory streets of East Dallas, complete with liquor stores, street people and the occasional random gunshot.


Blogger Tara said...

Just FYI

10:37 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

Thanks for that. But I can barely sit in a chair for an hour, much less 49 of them.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

My older brother just go sucked into playstation 2- he is 42 and had stayed away for all those years but on a business trip last week, one of the guys he was traveling with had one and now- so does he. He is into the car racing games so far but we will see. He went to Gamestop last night- I don't know what he went home with.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Robert_M said...

I would like to try, but my kid would be all over it.

11:20 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

I would agree that GTA is probably not a good option for the Minter household for lots of reasons. I definately see shades of the Tecmo Bowl incident on Harriet Court should Rob start playing this game. Drinking, smoking, yelling at the T.V. screen until the sun came up . . . .

11:42 AM  

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