Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Seeing The Light

I watch a lot of movies. But much like my hunger for music, my movie obsession comes packaged with some snobbery baggage. I won't pay money for a crap product. And I also won't pay for something that is not likely going to grab me for one reason or another. So the choice to see a movie in the theater for me is like preparing for surgery --- I do my homework well in advance to avoid a bloody mess.

Sometimes my overthinking movies causes me to miss great ones. That was the case last night when --- finally --- I saw Million Dollar Baby on cable. There are two reasons I haven't seen that movie until now. The first and least significant reason is that the name of the movie is off putting. Even dumb. Didn't the New York Dolls do a song with that title, or was it Alice Cooper? Secondly, I had no interest in watching a movie about a chick boxer. I don't watch WNBA games, so why would some movie about foxy boxing be any good?

Oh, I was so wrong. Million Dollar Baby is exactly the kind of movie I love --- an incredibly written character drama that's depressing as hell. I f'ing hate movies with happy endings because life is rarely about happy endings. I like movies that stay with me after I watch them. Some people like movies as pure escapism. But for me, I can't escape unless I'm so sucked in I have no reason to look at my watch.

So Lawrence of Arabia is sitting on my living room table. My reasons for not watching this movie is its famously long and it's about some English dude in the desert. Here's to being wrong again.


Blogger Heidi said...

I was right there with you. I put that off forever and just watched it on OnDemand 2 weeks ago. I couldn't have been more surprized or happy with this one.

Part of the difficulty has to do with Eastwood. I love him so much that I'm scared to see him in anything that I wouldn't like. There's also this sentimental issue with my Dad (deceased) being such a Clint fan and being born in the same year as he was. I just can't help but think of Daddy when I watch this movie, and obviously with the storyline, it made for some uncomfortable moments for Jake, watching me bawl uncontrollably at points. It's hilarious what a sap I am. I'm crying right now, just thinking about it. Sheesh...

5:48 AM  
Blogger john clarke said...

Although I was completely engaged in this film emotionally, I managed to stave off the tears. In the more than 5,000 movies I've seen, only two have made me cry --- To Kill A Mockingbird and Saving Private Ryan. And maybe the graduation scene in Billy Madison.

The only time I stirred during Million Dollar Baby was the two scenes in which Maggie's ultra white trash hillbilly Mother appeared. After her unbelievable behavior I screamed: "Fuck you bitch!"

Then I felt better.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Gye Greene said...

Good movie, although a lot of people with disabilty hate it: "I'm a quad, my life's not worth living -- please kill me!"

I can see how they might take offense.


6:52 PM  

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